Friday, September 4, 2009

One hour With Joe Latone: Malta: 65-67 USS Little Rock

An hour with Joe Latone, SFM E3 designated Striker USS Little Rock, USNR 3-68L Jamestown, NY 1965-67. June 8, 1967 Israel Defense Forces attacked the The USS Liberty. Joe served on the USS Little Rock as SFM3 (Ship Fitter), witnessing the 6 Day War in Israel. The USS Little Rock was the command ship of the 6th Fleet (COM6) of the Mediterranean. Joe spoke of the beauty he saw during active duty in numerous countries, as well as the rescue of the USS Liberty after attack by Israel. On June 8, 1967, 42 years ago, Joe had less than one month active duty in the Navy. To contact Joe Latone: To view the USS Little Rock: Buffalo Naval Park .

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