Idi Amin were president of Uganda, as well as head of military from 1971 to 1979 ruling with a politically repressive regime. Extreme human rights abuses, corruption, killings without trial, and ethnic persecution occurred under his dictatorship. The number of people killed while Idi Amin were in power estimates between 1 to 500,000 including members of other ethnic groups, religious leaders, journalists, artists, bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, homosexuals, students, intellectuals, criminal suspects, and foreign nationals.
Many were killed for criminal motives or simply at will. In 1972, Amin declared what he called an "economic war" seizing all property owned by Asians and Europeans issuing a decree ordering the expulsion of 80,000 Asians. Amin took all property, finance and business. Families fled to the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Pakistan, Australia, India, Kenya, Sweden and Tanzania.
Many were killed for criminal motives or simply at will. In 1972, Amin declared what he called an "economic war" seizing all property owned by Asians and Europeans issuing a decree ordering the expulsion of 80,000 Asians. Amin took all property, finance and business. Families fled to the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Pakistan, Australia, India, Kenya, Sweden and Tanzania.

Khalil Karbani, born in 1965 in Uganda, along with his family, fled to the United Kingdom with a mere 40 pounds.
As refugees in another nation, Khalil's family were placed in housing estates enduring racial abuse. Khalil learned through his Father the merits of sacrifice and hard work and came to learn of world cultures, religions and people. With a degree in Business Marketing, he and his brother Nash launched a business in the UK, with a second branch to follow. Eleven years later, they were the largest independent French car parts specialist in all of the United Kingdom.
In an attempt to give back to society, a charity were formed in honor of Nash's [Khalil's brother] two children who were struck and killed by a drunk driver while crossing the street. This charity now helps over 375 orphans, widows and poor people in Uganda, Zimbabwe, India and Pakistan. The charity feeds and clothes people, as well as providing an education to learn a trade to become self sufficient.
In 2000, Khalil visited India to witness the progression of this charity and witnessed a number of young girls society had cast aside. Affirming his commitment to the equality of women, Khalil opened a trade school for them with the aim of equipping the girls with training and education to become successful for themselves.
Ten years ago, Khalil moved to Canada with his wife and four children. Once in Calgary, he began working as a realtor and in 2005, became the top realtor in the city of Calgary. With this success, he ventured into residential land development and started a home building company. Two years later, Khalil moved to commercial land development and has been overseeing projects in the Calgary Northeast for the past four years.
Presently, Khalil Karbani has been nominated for the Calgary McCall WildRose MLA. The Wild Rose Alliance is a grassroots legislative body. MLA stands for Member of Legislative Alliance. With this behind him, Khalil will then able to make positive progressive changes for the community and people of not only Calgary, but globally through all he is affilated with. In order to see this to fruition, anyone residing in Canada please go HERE to become a member. Khalil will personally speak and meet with you to talk about his platform for positive global change starting in his own community.
Some of Khalil's achievements are:
1. Bowden Penitentiary Coordinator [inmate education]
2. TaraDale Community Association of Calgary President
3. Al- Hedaya Islamic Centre President
4. NE Centre of Community Society VP
5. FDC Committee Co-Chair
6. Public Art Committee Chairman
7. Airport Trail Access Committee Chairman
8. Tournament Committee Chairman
9. MCC Stampede Parade Float Committee Chairman
10. Mutli Cultural Faith Builders Group
11. Canadian Winter Olympics 2010
Khalil's passion in his community is apparent ranging from organizing community events, raising funds for causes and volunteering his time and skills. His platform focuses on "HEFTY" prioritizing: H for health care, E for education, F for foreign accreditation, T for tourism and Y for YOU. Khalil Karbani wishes to see a more progressed Alberta. He knows Albertans deserve more than what is currently in place. They deserve the best. Khalil Karbani will make positive changes on various levels.
Currently, what is needed is a leader who is active and in touch with the people. Khalil listens to people in order to have a better understanding of what the community wants and needs. This is what is inspiring about Khalil. He truly believes in putting people first. He cares about his community and its people. He wants to know what everyone wants to see in Alberta and Calgary McCall, as well as the world.
Join me in welcoming Khalil Karbani as an MLA candidate by becoming a member of Alberta Wildrose Alliance Party if you are a resident of Canada. The deadline to become a member is April 20th, 2011. Becoming a member will enable you to vote for Khalil. Globally, connect with Khalil on FaceBook, Twitter, and his Website.
It is YOUR time to make a difference for yourself,
your community and OUR world.
© Khalil Karbani, Sana Khan
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