Tuesday, June 18, 2019

#14 & #15 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (What is Death? Why Do We Fear It? & Psychology & Emotionality of Dreams)

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #14 covers What is Death? Why Do We Fear It? with a short question demonstration followed by learning how to do the 9 point death meditation. 

Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/14-what-is-death-why-do-we-fear-it-9-point-death-meditation-demonstration


9 Point Death Meditation: https://kadampa-center.org/sites/default/files/DeathHO5.pdf

Is Not How You Die, but How You Live That Matters: https://blog.liberationist.org/is-not-how-you-live-but-how-you-die-that-matters-f1ddcaac1ea2

 * * * 

Episode #15 covers the Science, Psychology, Philosophy and Emotionality of Dreams with dream demonstrations and simple self experiments to test dream latency, and learn how to start a dream journal. I share personal experience with nightmares.

Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/15-the-human-condition-with-susan-marie-psychologyemotionality-of-dreams-with-demonstration


The Science Behind Dreaming: www.scientificamerican.com/article/the…d-dreaming/

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Dreams & Dreaming: plato.stanford.edu/entries/dreams-dreaming/

Sleep & Dreaming Experiments: faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chsleep.html

Printable Dream Journal: faculty.washington.edu/chudler/pdf/dreamjj.pdf

Printable Sleep Journal: faculty.washington.edu/chudler/pdf/sleepjj.pdf

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes, YouTube, Soundcloud, Google Play Music, and subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: https://suemarie.substack.com/


Susan Marie

Monday, May 27, 2019

#13 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Effective Communication & Self-Assessment)

Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/13-the-human-condition-with-susan-marie-emotionality-skills-to-communicate-effectively-self-assessment

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #13 covers emotionality, skills to communicate effectively, recognizing your stress levels, and a simple self-check assessment on your style of communication, what that implies and how to improve the way you communicate.


Mind Tools Communication Self-Assessment: www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCS_99.htm

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes, YouTube, Soundcloud, Google Play Music, and subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: suemarie.substack.com/


Susan Marie

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

#12 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (The Human Spirit, the Human Soul & Mental Health)

Listen here: 

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #12 covers the human spirit, the human soul, perseverance & mental health with a personal touch.


Dr. Lorenzo Pace: lorenzopace.com/triumph-of-the-human-spirit/

24/7 Mental Health Resources: www.nami.org/Find-Support/NAMI-…HelpLine-Resources

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes, YouTube, Soundcloud, Google Play Music, and subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: suemarie.substack.com/


Susan Marie

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Emotional Intelligence: Understanding, Practice, Demonstration & Assessment) Episode #11

Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/11-emotional-intelligence-understanding-practice-demonstration-assessment 

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #11 covers Emotional Intelligence: Understanding, Acceptance and Empowerment, the Emotion Wheel, a practice, demonstration and a film.


The Emotion Wheel: What is It and How to Use it? [+PDF]: positivepsychologyprogram.com/emotion-wheel/

Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: www.6seconds.org/2017/04/27/plutc…del-of-emotions/

Emotional Intelligence Assessment: www.ihhp.com/free-eq-quiz/

5 Simple Lessons for Social and Emotional Learning for Adults: www.edutopia.org/blog/five-social…ts-elena-aguilar

Inside Out (film trailer): www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRUAzGQ3nSY

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes, YouTube, Soundcloud, Google Play Music, and subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: suemarie.substack.com/


Susan Marie

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Emotionality, Human Sexuality, the Psychology of an Orgasm & Sex Positivity) Episode #10

Listen Here: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/the-human-condition-with-susan-marie-emotionality-sexuality-psych-of-orgasm-sex-positivity10

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #10 covers Emotionality, Human Sexuality, the Psychology of an Orgasm & Sex Positivity.


The Kinsey Institute (Masters & Johnson): https://kinseyinstitute.org/collections/archival/masters-and-johnson.php & https://thecspc.org/
Everything you need to know about orgasms: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232318.php
10 Things Sex Positivity Is Not: https: https://everydayfeminism.com/2016/08/10-things-sex-positivity-is-not/

Colorado State University, Sex Positivity: https://wgac.colostate.edu/education/the-body-is-political/sex-positivity/
On Being ‘Game’: What Happens When Sex Positivity Feels Like Pressure: theestablishment.co/on-being-game-what-happens-when-sex-positivity-feels-like-pressure/

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes, YouTube, Soundcloud, Google Play Music, and subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: https://suemarie.substack.com/


Susan Marie

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Human Nature & the Corruption of Morality) Episode #9

Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/the-human-condition-with-susan-marie-human-nature-the-corruption-of-morality-episode-9

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #9 covers Human Nature, Humanism and the Corruption of Morality.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: highgatecounselling.org.uk/members/cer…per%201.pdf

Humans, Nature & Ethics: www.humansandnature.org/humans-nature-and-ethics

Moral Insanity: brill.com/abstract/book/978900…89004333246-s002.xml

Human Nature & Moral Goodness: www.patrickleebioethics.com/nature-morality.htm

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes, YouTube, Soundcloud, Google Play Music, and subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: suemarie.substack.com/


Susan Marie

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Human Condition with Susan Marie (What is Environmentalism? Earth Day, Every Day) Episode #8

Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/the-human-condition-with-susan-marie-what-is-environmentalism-earth-day-every-dayepisode-8

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #8 covers environmentalism, morality, speciesism, The Story of Stuff, simple ways to help the environment, and Earth Day.


20 minute documentary, The Story of Stuffhttps://storyofstuff.org/movies/story-of-stuff/

The Moral Status of Animals: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-animal/


The Decomposition of Waste in Landfills: A Story of Time and Materialshttps://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-long-does-it-take-garbage-to-decompose-2878033

Documentary, Before the Floodhttps://www.beforetheflood.com/

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-human-condition-with-susan-marie/id1455068968?ign-mpt=uo=4&mt=2

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SusanMarie1971

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: https://suemarie.substack.com/

My website: http://www.suemarie.info/


Susan Marie

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Human Condition with Susan Marie (The Numerous Facets of Love) Episode #7

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences made simple.
The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".
Episode #7 covers the numerous facets of love, focusing on The Natural Principles of Love, friendship, relationship and commitment, and the Three Phases of Love as defined by the Journal of Family Theory and Review.
The Pietà, a work of Renaissance sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet%C3%A0_(Michelangelo)#/media/File:Michelangelo's_Pieta_5450_cut_out_black.jpg
Sit back, relax and enjoy.
I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.
Subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: https://suemarie.substack.com/
Susan Marie

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Exploring Existential Crisis & Identity) Episode #6

Listen HERE: https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/the-human-condition-with-susan-marie-exploring-existenstial-crisis-identity-episode-6

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".
Episode #6 covers existential angst, an existential or identity crisis, identity, and the stages of psycho-social development.


"The Problem of Ego Identity" by Erik Erickson:

Erikson’s Eight Stages of Psycho-social Development:

From the movie, "Into the Wild", Eddie Vedder, "Society" www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl4cLEToPfc

"Into the Wild", the movie, online: www.amazon.com/Into-Wild-Emile-H…sch/dp/B007W1BLN0

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/s...

YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC2wg77y8t0SMIeHXZEtZPCw

Soundcloud: @susan-marie

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: suemarie.substack.com/

My website: www.suemarie.info/


Susan Marie

Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Why Are We Afraid of the Dark?) Episode #5

The Human Condition is a weekly 10 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #5 covers why we fear the dark, operant conditioning, fight or flight, biological, scientific, and evolutionary examples of human fear of the dark, with scientific experiments that postulated social and political conditioning, along with a cool demonstration to test human night vision.


Sensitive Data Warning: John Hopkins University: J.B Watson and the Little Albert Phobia Experiments


Harvard University: Fight or Flight Response: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/understanding-the-stress-response

Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I rely on your feedback, so hit me up.

Please share, subscribe and follow on iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/s...

YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC2wg77y8t0SMIeHXZEtZPCw

Soundcloud: @susan-marie

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter with audio: suemarie.substack.com/

My website: http://www.suemarie.info/


Susan Marie